Our company’s business not only focuses on mainland China and Taiwan but also covers study tours in several East Asian countries, including Japan, Singapore, and Malaysia. We are also continuously expanding our offerings to Europe, Spain, and Australia. We are dedicated to providing students with a rich and diverse global cultural experience and learning opportunities, helping them broaden their international perspectives and gain an in-depth understanding of the diverse cultures and educational systems of different countries. Whether exploring historical sites, cultural knowledge, modern cities, or natural landscapes, we meticulously design unique itineraries for students, allowing them to gain knowledge and growth through exploration. If you are interested in any specific countries or regions, please feel free to contact us for detailed itineraries, and let’s work together to design a unique and charming exploration journey!

Multicultural Experience
Students can engage with different cultural backgrounds, enhancing their cross-cultural communication skills.
Customized Itinerary Design
Different practical and experiential learning opportunities.
East Asia Route
- High-Tech and Innovative Education
Students have the opportunity to engage with advanced technologies and innovative education, such as robotics and programming, enhancing their technological literacy.
- Cultural Depth Experience
Students can experience the unique charm of different cultures during study tours, with a blend of traditional cultures from countries like Japan and Malaysia, as well as the multiculturalism of Singapore.
Europe Route
- Practice-Oriented Curriculum
The itinerary emphasizes hands-on activities and participation, making the learning experience fun and interactive.
- Outdoor Learning Features
The natural environments of these countries are suitable for outdoor adventures and ecological studies, such as hiking and marine biology observation.
- History and Art Education
Countries like the UK and other European nations boast rich historical sites and artistic resources. Our local curriculum integrates visits to museums, art galleries, and historical landmarks, providing a wealth of content.